Traditionally people emphasis on print for literacy however now ' the screen' has completely change the development of communication.(Kress Van Leeuwen, 1996). Kress Van Leeuwen (1996) also mentioned that the world represented visually in the screens of the 'new media' is a differently constructed world to the densely printed pages of the print media. Therefore, Nielson (1999) have list down three main consideration of designing , which involve layout and writing strcuture, for the screen document and print diocument.
1. Dimensionality
Print document- For print design like newspaper, they are 2 dimensional document design. This is because print docuement design make it posssible for the readers to turn to the pages that they desire. It is convenient for the reader when it comes to a point where they could chooce which session and which page they would like to read. Print document are usually design in a large canvas, which typically a fixed size for it
Screen document - As for web design like web page, there are different from print design because web document are usually 1- dimensional design or a N-dimensional design. In contrast to print design, users or readers does not need to turn the pages because web design allows the users to scroll within the page given. Moreover, the placement of the elements on the web also goes againt the nature of HTMlL and the pages are ablw to adjust based on diferent window sizes.
2. Navigation
Print document - Page turning usually consists in the naviagtion of print documents lieke magazine , newspaper and pamphlets. It is one the benefits for the print medium because it is an ultre-simple user interface for the readers and users themselves.
Screen document - However for screen design, hypertext navigation is a major and vital compoent of web design. This is because moving around is what the Web is all about. Hypertext navigation requires the appearances of links , visualization of a location and information architecture.
3, Response Time, Resolution and Canvas Size
Print document- When is comes to speed, print document is ways fatser as compared to web page. This is because teh reader or users does nto need to wait for the web page to finish loading and all they can do it to flip the pages at any time they like. Moreover, according to Nielson (2006) he stated that the type fo image quality and the space provide by the print document is better as compared to the screen document.
Screen document - As for screen document the web designer have less control over what the users can actually see as compared to print document. This is because the print document has a fix and standard canvas size however screen document doesnt. This is partially effect by whether did the user minimized the software or the system or the fonts used by the users. ( Hilligoss and Howard, 2002).
References List
1. Nielson, J. 1999, Differences between wed design and print design, viewed on 23th August 2011,
2. Walsh. M, 1996, Reading visual and multimodal text : How is reading different? , viewed on 23th August 2011,
3, Hilligoss and Howard, 2002, Visual Communication : A writer's guide, viewed on 23th Auguist 2011,
4. Kress, G, van Leeuwen, T 2006, 'Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication', Reading images: the grammar of visual design, 2nd edn, Routledge, London.