It's amazing how blogs these days have become part of the media. People tend to read blogs like political blogs to know the real surrounding and happening and read fashion blogs to know about the latest trends and style as well. Harper (n.d) also mentioned that weblogs, or blogs have become one of the latest forms of online communication to gain a widespread of popularity and notoriety.It has became a place for storytelling in the Internet. For me, creating this weblog was not an easy task to commence as there are many requirements to considerate. According to Penman ( 1998), a document's functionality is dependent on its structure matching with the reader's bits, expectations and context of use. Hence, i have gained much knowledge that is it important to know to send out the right message to the right targeted audiences with the right structure. At the same time, I have also acknowledge that document design also plays an important role in creating this weblog, whether does it attracts the reader to continue reading it or it restrains reader to read it. Hence, it is challenging task for me to create this weblog as well.
According to Barone (2009) , a good blogger always find ways to challenge the readers. . Being able to communicating with our readers and audience is an essential role as a blogger. Therefore, being a blogger is about being interesting, being considerate and respect the readers as we. Moreover, las culture and and religion is an sensitive issue, thus as a blogger I have acknowledge that it is better to avoid such issue in order to create more controversy. .
Besides that, document design also plays a part in fulfilling Penman's theory.According to Reep (1996), document design refers to the physical appearances. In order to create a good document design, Wheildon (1990) mention that there must be a balance between forms and functions. Penman (1998) stated that a good document design requires both forms a functions. This is because Form is the elements that make up the designs and the pages. However, functions are the objective of the design whether it is to educate, entertain or to impress the audiences. (Bear, 2011). Through creating this blog , i have learned to inserted a lot of white space for my magazine spread and fact sheet so that it attracts the reader’s eye and it creates a clean and relaxing visual effect. Josh (2009) also emphasize that white space is an important visual tactics to be include in magazine spread and fact sheet design. Hence, it is crucial and essential for all document designers to take note of all the issues in order to design good and reliable document design.
In conclusion, there are many requirement that is needed to be considerate while create a document design. Parker ( 1990) mentioned that the most common principle that every designers will consider would be balance, proportion, sequences and consistency .Hence, As a blogger we must make sure that we send out the right message and we have a design that attracts readers to continue reading without feeling tired and bored.
References List.
1. Penman. R, 1998, Document Structures and Reader's Habits, Communication News, vol.11, no.2, pp.10-11
2. Reep. DC, 1996, Techincal Wrriting : principles, Strategies and Readings, 3rd edn. Allyn and Bacpon, Boston.
3. Wheildon. C, 1990, Communicating or Just making pretty Shapes : A study of the Validity, Srd edn, Newspaper Advertising Bureau of Australia, North Sydney.
4. Harper. C, n.d, Blogging and Journalism Practice, Temple University.
5. Barona. L, 2009, Defining the Role Of Blogger, viewed on 9th November 2011,
6. Bear. J, 2011, Form and Function in Design and Publishing, viewed on 18th October 2011, <
7. Josh. A, 2009, The Science of White Space in Design, viewed on 18th October 2011, <>
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Copyright Much?
As an university student, we are always concern on whether our work is been plagiarized by others or are we going to be get caught plagiarizing other's people work as well. This is because plagiarism is considered to be a very serious offense and issue in the university education. Assignments and assessments always required us to do research and quote other researcher's work. According to the University fo Pretocria (2003), it was stated that plagiarism is an unethical and illegal action because it shows the disrespect for the rights of the original author and it may tarnish the University's reputation as well. Therefore it is crucial to cite and credit the researchers from the original source that is taken .
(Source by Publishing Connect)
In the article Copyrighted Material: Fair and Unfair Use by Florence Pichon (2011), she stated that every since the advent of the world wide web there has been a confusion and a blurred line between copyrighted and free content. This is because recently Righthaven, a company that is specialize in copyrighting litigation have filed a sued law towards Wayne Hoehn because Hoehn had reduced the number of Revie - Journal site after posting an article at his website. However, Righthaven has failed to sued Hoehn because he does not have enough of venture in the argument to fil such law sued. Though Pichon (2011) stated that the fair and use defense allows for copyrighted material to be reposted however according to the Standford Legal Office (2002) there is a limit in publishing and copying an original source without the acknowledgement of the author itself. Thus, even Pichon (2011) herself mentioned in the article that journalists must be meticulous with the material they use as they'll be suspended if they plagiarized other's work.
( Source by Electic & Eccentric)
West and Game (1999) also mentioned that in the issues of authorship , duplicate publication and plagiarism in any form of scientific journalism papers can cause considerable conflict among the members of research teams references list. Therefore, i strongly believe that citing and crediting an author's work is crucial in order to avoid such complication.
(Source by Instructify)
In conclusion, it is important to know the rules and regulation of the online plagiarism and practice ethical publishing. So that in the future, we can assure the integrity of the peer review process , and the integrity of articles which are published as a result of that process. (Taylor & Francis Group, 2011).
References List
1. University of Pretoria, 2003, Why is Plagiarism an serious offense, viewed on 6th November 2011, <>
2. Standford Legal Offices, 2002, Copyright Law and Fair Issue, viewed on 6th November 2011, <>
3. West. M and Game. A, 1999, Principle of Writing, Organisation of Studies, Ashton Business School, viewed on 6th November 2011, <,%20Duplicate%20Publication,%20Plagiarism,%20etc.pdf>
4. Taylor and Francis Group, 2011 , Ethical Publishing, viewed on 6th November 2011, <>
5. Pichon. F, 2011, Copyrighted Material: Fair and Unfair, viewed on 6th November 2011, <>
Gender Equality
When i was in high school, i used to study history and used to realized how women was treated way back decades ago. It does gave me a culture shock whereby people back in the early days will do whatever it takes to outcast and discriminate the women. Actions such as killing and buried a new born baby alive if it's a girl, women were not allow to inherit any will from the family, they are not allow to received any form education and many more. They were practically treated like slave. However, as times goes by, such traditional is no longer practiced , till now as well. However, gender equality is still not fully practiced in today's life. What women suppose to do and be like and what women is not suppose to do and be like still lives in everyone's perception of women. Ivone (2011) mentioned that women can be like men and should be like men as well. Despite the woman cannot match the physical strength of a man however they are capable in handling finance, DIY fixtures and fittings and even capable of being a single parents as well.
(Source by Snap Shot)
Recently , there was an incident happen regarding to Orthodox Jewish paper apologies to the White House for deleting Hilary Clinton and Audrey Tomason pictures in the newspaper during the monitoring of the raid by the navy Seals that killed Osama bin Laden. In the article, according to Di Tzeitung, it was said that the readers believed that women should be appreciated for who they are and what they do , not for what they look like. However, according to Jprof (2011), it was stated that photojournalist is replete from Lester (1999), he stated that the number two rule of the photojournalism ethic is to not change the picture. Pictures should be stand as they are shot.Jprof (2011) also state that in the code of ethics of the National Press Photographers Association, one of the ethics is that photographer have to be complete and provide full context when photographing subjects and try avoiding any form of stereotype and bias towards an individual.
The Orthodox Jewish Newspaper Version
The White House version
Reep (2006, p 153) mentioned that a photograph must be clear and focus on the pertinent item because it provides a surface view of an object or event. Therefore, i personally feel and believe that the Orthodox Jewish newspaper publisher should never have remove both Hilary Clinton and Audrey Tomason from the picture itself. Despite it is their culture that believes women should be known for what they do not what they look however they should inform that the picture is being digitally altered.
( Source by Scripps Media Ethics)
In conclusion, there are danger in manipulating a photograph especially when it is related to the White House. Lester (2011) quoted Howard Chapnick (1982) and stated that credibility and responsibility are words that give right to call photography a profession rather than a business. Therefore, photojournalists should be concerned about the consequences of manipulating a picture. This is because once the threat to credibility is irreversible, public will start to lost trust on the news photograph.
References List
1. Lester.P.M, 1999, Chapter Six : Picture Manipulations, Photojournalism An Ethical Approach, viewed on 5th November 2011, <>
2. Ivone , 2011, Role of Women In Today's Society, viewed on 5th November 2011, <>
3. Jprof, 2011, Photojournalism Ethics, viewed on 5th November 2011, <>
3. Reep. D ( 2006), Technical Writing : Document Design , Person Publication, Ed. 6, pp 133- 172.
Is e-book really that effective ?
When I was young, I used to think that reading notes from textbooks and references book is the most convenient way of studying. I guess partially is because I was brought up in the era where books are the most common and essential tool for the education system in school.Therefore, it wasnt a problem reading notes from textbook and references books. Moreover, mainly is because I find it easy to read it straight from the book and it allows me to underline , draw highlight and sketch whatever that comes into my mind on the book. However, as technologies are getting better each days, is hard for us to always stay at our comfort zone, According to Weiner (2011) , she mention that in many school nationwide. educators are transitioning from old-school textbooks to electronic versions.
Although e-books is known for its convenience and efficiency, however it is known in having a slower path to catch up with the commercial e-books in term of print experience. Alexa (2011) mention in the article that it's not a surprise that e-book have been slower to catch to commercial e-books is because one thing about e-book is it does not allow highlighting, no notes in the margin and no dog-eared corner to mark a spot as compared to an actual book. According to Penman (1998), a document’s functionality is dependent on its structure matching readers’ habits, expectations and context of use. However, now with e-books provider like CourseSmart and Inkling, it has allows student or readers to look and read in the same way with printed textbook at a slow pace. This statement was said by the CMO of CourseSmart , Jill Ambrose who stated that CourseSmarrt enables all students, whether they are using a digital or print edition, to literally be on the same page. In the article, Alexa also claims that e-textbooks are going to take off in the next decade.
Walsh (2006, p24) mentioned multimodal text inthat reading through an electronic and digital screen there are added combinations of movement and sound. Walsh also quoted Kress (1996), Health (2000) and Beame (2003) and stated that the screen and multimodal texts have developed a new literacy for the student. I personally feel that, e-books in the tablets form are so much like a normal textbook that you bring to school everyday, but with more function and efficiency. It is handy where you can carry an e-book that is equivalent to 300 pages of textbook. So much more lighter, handy and easy accessible,
In conclusion, there are advantage and disadvantages when it comes toe-books. Some people may still prefer reading and looking through the old and traditional way and yet some may want to catch up with the latest trend and technology.However, each form has its own benefit to an individual. I personally still thinks that e-books has make it easier for me in terms of education.
References List
1. Weiner. H, 2011, Tablet versus Textbook, viewed on 4th November 2011, <>
2. Walsh. M, 2006, The "textual shift":Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no.1, pp.24-37.
3. Alexa. C, 2011,How E-textbooks, Online Modules Could Keep Journalism Education Current. viewed on 5th November 2011,
4. Penman, R 1998, Document structures and readers’ habits, Communication news, vol.11, no. 2, pp. 10-11.
( Source by fashion addict girl)
Although e-books is known for its convenience and efficiency, however it is known in having a slower path to catch up with the commercial e-books in term of print experience. Alexa (2011) mention in the article that it's not a surprise that e-book have been slower to catch to commercial e-books is because one thing about e-book is it does not allow highlighting, no notes in the margin and no dog-eared corner to mark a spot as compared to an actual book. According to Penman (1998), a document’s functionality is dependent on its structure matching readers’ habits, expectations and context of use. However, now with e-books provider like CourseSmart and Inkling, it has allows student or readers to look and read in the same way with printed textbook at a slow pace. This statement was said by the CMO of CourseSmart , Jill Ambrose who stated that CourseSmarrt enables all students, whether they are using a digital or print edition, to literally be on the same page. In the article, Alexa also claims that e-textbooks are going to take off in the next decade.
( Source By Dclab)
Walsh (2006, p24) mentioned multimodal text inthat reading through an electronic and digital screen there are added combinations of movement and sound. Walsh also quoted Kress (1996), Health (2000) and Beame (2003) and stated that the screen and multimodal texts have developed a new literacy for the student. I personally feel that, e-books in the tablets form are so much like a normal textbook that you bring to school everyday, but with more function and efficiency. It is handy where you can carry an e-book that is equivalent to 300 pages of textbook. So much more lighter, handy and easy accessible,
( Source by Bp Blogspot)
In conclusion, there are advantage and disadvantages when it comes toe-books. Some people may still prefer reading and looking through the old and traditional way and yet some may want to catch up with the latest trend and technology.However, each form has its own benefit to an individual. I personally still thinks that e-books has make it easier for me in terms of education.
References List
1. Weiner. H, 2011, Tablet versus Textbook, viewed on 4th November 2011, <>
2. Walsh. M, 2006, The "textual shift":Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no.1, pp.24-37.
3. Alexa. C, 2011,How E-textbooks, Online Modules Could Keep Journalism Education Current. viewed on 5th November 2011,
4. Penman, R 1998, Document structures and readers’ habits, Communication news, vol.11, no. 2, pp. 10-11.
Malaysia has always been well-known as a multicultural country in terms of race, food, culture and clothing as well. We have in total of three different races , which consist of Malay, Chinese and Indian, living under one roof. It is a harmony country whereby everyone respects each other norms, race and culture. Everyone has it own races and religion to follow and obey. Gudeman (2002) stated that Malaysian have successful achieve its goal to established a multicultural society that composed of three different races that have three traditionally isolated and mutually distrustful cultural group. Therefore, it is important to know the limits and boundaries of every single races and religion in order to avoid conflict and further complications.
( Source by Ingrid's Notes)
Despite Malaysia is a harmony multicultural country, however there are still racism issue going around. Recently, Media Prima aired a Ramadan advertisement that has lead to a major disappointment to the citizen , especially to those non-Muslim citizen. In the article written by Yow (2011) mentioned that the advertisement was critiquing about how chinese act and behave during the Ramadan period. Stating that "Chinese" girl eats in the public, wearing revealing clothing and being loud and obnoxious during the Muslin fasting. No doubt, the advertisement have received much complains and critics from the citizen thus Media Prima had no choice but to immediately removed and take down the three Ramadan advertisement. It is crucial to know when to post and air such controversial subject like race at the right time with the right content. The China Papers (2011) indicates that situational context and cultural context have a profound impact on translating activities. The papers future elaborate that it is important because it plays a role in manifesting characters' status , identity and to understand the original texts in order to fit the expectation of the readers as well.
( Source by Issues)
Moreover, it is the truth that different culture perceived a subject differently. This is highly to related to the advertisement as well. I personally felt that, the advertisement have offended alot of chinese citizen in specifically. According to Foley (1997), the media itself is a social communication that have an enormous influence everywhere. Hence, the media should have considerate the consequences before putting out the advertisement this is because the mass media like television is a pervasive and powerful tool in shaping the behavior and attitude of the world.
(Source by Hornbill Unleashed)
In conclusion, race is a sensitive issue to touch on and to critic on as well. Therefore, it is important to respect everyone's race and religion so that the world would be a better place.
References List
1.Gudeman.R.H, 2002, Multiculturalism in Malaysian : Individual Harmony, Group Tension, viewed on 6th November 2011, <
2. The China Papers, 2011, The Influences of Situational Context and Cultural Context on English- Chinese Translation - A case study of Fu Donghua's Tanslation of Gone with the Wind, viewed on 6th November 2011, <>
3. Foley. J. P, 1997, Ethical in Advertising, viewed on 6th November 2011, <>
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Screen vs Print Document Design
When it comes to comparing both screen document and print document, there are few differences when it comes to the concept and style of design. According to Hilligoss and Howard (2002) they differentiate both document by saying the basic design element of print documents is the page; that of electronic documents is the screen. The example used for both print and screen document is the newspaper and my weblog.
Traditionally people emphasis on print for literacy however now ' the screen' has completely change the development of communication.(Kress Van Leeuwen, 1996). Kress Van Leeuwen (1996) also mentioned that the world represented visually in the screens of the 'new media' is a differently constructed world to the densely printed pages of the print media. Therefore, Nielson (1999) have list down three main consideration of designing , which involve layout and writing strcuture, for the screen document and print diocument.
1. Dimensionality
Print document- For print design like newspaper, they are 2 dimensional document design. This is because print docuement design make it posssible for the readers to turn to the pages that they desire. It is convenient for the reader when it comes to a point where they could chooce which session and which page they would like to read. Print document are usually design in a large canvas, which typically a fixed size for it
Screen document - As for web design like web page, there are different from print design because web document are usually 1- dimensional design or a N-dimensional design. In contrast to print design, users or readers does not need to turn the pages because web design allows the users to scroll within the page given. Moreover, the placement of the elements on the web also goes againt the nature of HTMlL and the pages are ablw to adjust based on diferent window sizes.
2. Navigation
Print document - Page turning usually consists in the naviagtion of print documents lieke magazine , newspaper and pamphlets. It is one the benefits for the print medium because it is an ultre-simple user interface for the readers and users themselves.
Screen document - However for screen design, hypertext navigation is a major and vital compoent of web design. This is because moving around is what the Web is all about. Hypertext navigation requires the appearances of links , visualization of a location and information architecture.
3, Response Time, Resolution and Canvas Size
Print document- When is comes to speed, print document is ways fatser as compared to web page. This is because teh reader or users does nto need to wait for the web page to finish loading and all they can do it to flip the pages at any time they like. Moreover, according to Nielson (2006) he stated that the type fo image quality and the space provide by the print document is better as compared to the screen document.
Screen document - As for screen document the web designer have less control over what the users can actually see as compared to print document. This is because the print document has a fix and standard canvas size however screen document doesnt. This is partially effect by whether did the user minimized the software or the system or the fonts used by the users. ( Hilligoss and Howard, 2002).
References List
1. Nielson, J. 1999, Differences between wed design and print design, viewed on 23th August 2011,
2. Walsh. M, 1996, Reading visual and multimodal text : How is reading different? , viewed on 23th August 2011,
3, Hilligoss and Howard, 2002, Visual Communication : A writer's guide, viewed on 23th Auguist 2011,
4. Kress, G, van Leeuwen, T 2006, 'Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication', Reading images: the grammar of visual design, 2nd edn, Routledge, London.
Traditionally people emphasis on print for literacy however now ' the screen' has completely change the development of communication.(Kress Van Leeuwen, 1996). Kress Van Leeuwen (1996) also mentioned that the world represented visually in the screens of the 'new media' is a differently constructed world to the densely printed pages of the print media. Therefore, Nielson (1999) have list down three main consideration of designing , which involve layout and writing strcuture, for the screen document and print diocument.
1. Dimensionality
Print document- For print design like newspaper, they are 2 dimensional document design. This is because print docuement design make it posssible for the readers to turn to the pages that they desire. It is convenient for the reader when it comes to a point where they could chooce which session and which page they would like to read. Print document are usually design in a large canvas, which typically a fixed size for it
Screen document - As for web design like web page, there are different from print design because web document are usually 1- dimensional design or a N-dimensional design. In contrast to print design, users or readers does not need to turn the pages because web design allows the users to scroll within the page given. Moreover, the placement of the elements on the web also goes againt the nature of HTMlL and the pages are ablw to adjust based on diferent window sizes.
2. Navigation
Print document - Page turning usually consists in the naviagtion of print documents lieke magazine , newspaper and pamphlets. It is one the benefits for the print medium because it is an ultre-simple user interface for the readers and users themselves.
Screen document - However for screen design, hypertext navigation is a major and vital compoent of web design. This is because moving around is what the Web is all about. Hypertext navigation requires the appearances of links , visualization of a location and information architecture.
3, Response Time, Resolution and Canvas Size
Print document- When is comes to speed, print document is ways fatser as compared to web page. This is because teh reader or users does nto need to wait for the web page to finish loading and all they can do it to flip the pages at any time they like. Moreover, according to Nielson (2006) he stated that the type fo image quality and the space provide by the print document is better as compared to the screen document.
Screen document - As for screen document the web designer have less control over what the users can actually see as compared to print document. This is because the print document has a fix and standard canvas size however screen document doesnt. This is partially effect by whether did the user minimized the software or the system or the fonts used by the users. ( Hilligoss and Howard, 2002).
References List
1. Nielson, J. 1999, Differences between wed design and print design, viewed on 23th August 2011,
2. Walsh. M, 1996, Reading visual and multimodal text : How is reading different? , viewed on 23th August 2011,
3, Hilligoss and Howard, 2002, Visual Communication : A writer's guide, viewed on 23th Auguist 2011,
4. Kress, G, van Leeuwen, T 2006, 'Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication', Reading images: the grammar of visual design, 2nd edn, Routledge, London.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
New Forms of Media Publishing
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Source from Neeta |
The emergence of new media has lead the world to become a more modernize and well developed country. Users are constantly communicating and receiving latest update through the new media device. Naughton (2006) also said that the combination of digital convergence, personal computing and global networking seems to have caught up that pace of development and is giving rise to a drastic shift in the environment.
According to Naughton (2006), this media ecosystem will eventually be more diverse and immeasurably more complex because of the number of content producers, the speed of the communication between two people and the pace of development made possible by omnipresent networking. The content producers are usually known as the productive user or producers that engaged in the act of produsage. ( Productive users are users who participate strongly on both personal use and communal content.
There are various platforms for new media publishing like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr and Youtube. One of the new platforms in new media publishing that would be further discussed would be Youtube. Youtube is a new media publishing where it allows people all across the globe to upload and share their feeling and thought through a video rather then writing it down. In the year 2006, Youtube has become the 5th most popular web destination with a drastic increased by 500% in UK. (Plunkett, 2006).
Everyone is able to access and see first-hand video on current events based on their interest and hobbies. (Crunchbase, 2009). Moreover, the people themselves could also upload their videos easily on their blogs, mobile and emails effectively and efficiently.
References List
1. Leena, 2011, New Forms of Media Publishing, viewed on 19th August 2011, <>
2. Geeta, 2010, Global Village, viewed on
3. Naughton.J, 2006, Blogging and teh emerging media ecosystem, viewed on 19 August 2011, <>
4. Produsage, n.d, Key Principles, viewed on 19 August 2011, <>
5. Crunchbase, 2009, Youtube, viewed on 17 August 2011, <
6. Plunkett, J, 2006, The Rise and rise of Youtube, viewed on 17 August 2011, <>
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